Time Jump for iPhone/iPad is a full-featured date calculator that uses side-by-side calendars to allow you to flip backwards and forwards in time.
Tap on dates and instantly see the time difference between them in days, business days as well as the total time in years, months, weeks and days.
Don't want to flip through calendars? Double-tap the date in the upper left or right and use the date picker to select a specific date – a due date, a project deadline, an anniversary – anything. Time Jump supports dates up to 2,000 years in the past or the future (historians and time travelers take note). You can always tap days directly on the calendar to fine tune your selection.
Learn about giving your employees/students access to Time Jump:
Corporate volume purchases: Apple Volume Purchase Program
Educational volume purchase: Apple Purchase Program for Education
Business Day Calculations - Quickly Calculate Lead Times
In addition to calendar days, Time Jump quickly and easily calculates the number of business days between two dates – this can be essential for project managers, shippers, attorneys, software developers, manufacturers – anyone working in business days. Time Jump can take US Federal and State holidays into account (skipping them) when calculating business days and you can select exactly which holidays to skip. Now - with version 2.1 - you can add your own custom days off (Personal Days) that are taken into account in the business day calculations. You can even set which days of the week are considered business days if you need to use something other than Monday through Friday.
Time Jump's Date Calc
When you need to do a specific calculation - like 180 days from a date, 45 business days before a date, 40 weeks from a date, etc. - use the Date Calc feature that allows you to add/subtract days, business days, weeks, months or years to/from any date.
Integrated with Your iPhone Calendar
Time Jump - with your permission - can be fully integrated with your iPhone calendar. You can see events - and even create or delete them - from within Time Jump. A tap on the selected date above either calendar and you will see a list of the calendar events you have chosen to view from within Time Jump in the Date Detail View. Use the Time Jump settings to select one, some or all of your calendars - including your Google calendar.
Create Custom Days Off for Business Day Calculations
In addition to standard business day calculations, you can also add your own custom days off - Personal Days - (vacations, travel, school schedules, etc.) and Time Jump will treat these days as non-business days in the business day calculations. Of course, you can use settings to turn this feature on and off. Time Jump allows you to create your days off directly from within the app - and then they will appear in your selected iPhone calendar.
Time Jump Date Detail View
The Date Detail View shows you more details about a selected date: holiday information and/or a list of activities from your iPhone calendar (if you've given Time Jump permission to take a look). Once you've done a calculation you may wonder what's on your calendar and you can see your schedule from within Time Jump.
Who is Time Jump for?
Project managers
Planners & schedulers
Attorneys & paralegals
Procurement managers
Logistics specialists
Investors & bankers
Time explorers
Software developers
Scrum Masters
Questions Time Jump can help answer:
Your team estimates that it will take them 45 business days to complete a phase of a project and they're starting on the project next Tuesday - when will it be done?
The deadline is 90 business days from March 1st and must be a weekday - when is it?
The terms of an agreement indicated that it expires after 120 days - when will it expire?
You need to order a part that has a 40 business day lead time, ordered now, when will it arrive?
Network provider lead time for a new circuit is 70 business days. If you need the new office up and running by October 19th, when's the last day you can order the circuit?
How many days until...?
How long has it been since...?
How old was your father in that family photo?
How many days old are you today?
How long until: your birthday, your vacation, your retirement?
Time Jump requires iOS 13.4 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.